Monday, 21 March 2016



Humanity is a virtue associated with basic ethics of altruism derived from the human condition.

Humanity differs from mere justice in that there is a level of altruism towards individuals included in humanity more so than the fairness found in justice. That is, humanity, and the acts of love, altruism, and social intelligence are typically person to person strengths while fairness is generally expanded to all. Peterson & Selectman in Character Strengths and Virtues: A Handbook and Classification (2004) class humanity as one of six virtues that are consistent across all cultures.

What Stregthens Humanity


Love has many different definitions ranging from a set of purely biological and chemical processes to a religious concept. As a character strength, love is a mutual feeling between two people characterized by attachment, comfort, and generally positive feelings. It can be broken down into 3 categories: love between a child and their parents, love for your friends, and romantic love. Having love as a strength is not about the capacity to love, as such, it is about being involved in a loving relationship.

Evidence in support of the benefits of love are seen in the negative affect states that result from lacking love. Orphaned children have been targeted in studies about negative attributes resulting from lack of attachment. 
Love is also a main factor that can give strength to humanity and can bind people not only in a relationship but also by many factors and religion bases, in India there are many strikes on the religion and cast bases which affects the the bond of humanity and the belief of other people on it.
Love is also a thing which can solve out all the problems going on and it can come to an end with 'Equality and Humanity'.


The strength kindness encompasses most related terms that evoke feelings of altruism, generosity, helpfulness and a general desire to help people.. That is, a disposition for helping humanity. The following statements are from the VIA aimed at determining people's strengths in kindness: others are just as important to me, giving is more important than receiving, I care for the ungrateful as well as the grateful.
 Kindness, as a part of humanity, is deeply rooted in philosophical and religious traditions, each having words for the altruistic love aspect of kindness like agape in Greek, cheesed in Hebrew, and the Latin word philantropia, the root of the word philanthropy. Kindness is so valued as a strength beyond religious and theoretical concepts that it is advocated through school community service programs and national programs .

There are numerous benefits from kindness and altruism on both sides of the action. For some, the motivation to be kind comes from a place of egoistic motivation, and thus the benefit to them is the positive affect state they receive from the action. Another study found that the process of being kind develops pro-social skills in children, which positively effects their attachments and relationships
A good example of kindness is Bahadur Chand Gupta, who provides free airplane ride experience to the underprivileged and poor Indians for just 1 USD.

Social Intelligence

Social intelligence is the most modern of the three strengths associated with humanity. The CSV defines social intelligence as the ability to understand “relationships with other people, including the social relationships involved in intimacy and trust, persuasion, group membership, and political power.”

Intelligence has many psychological definitions from Weschler’s intelligence to the various theories of multiple intelligence. The CSV divides intelligence into hot and cold, hot intelligence being those intelligences related to active emotional processes. Individuals with high social intelligence are very self-aware, and effective organizers and leaders.

Social Intelligence research is limited, however, there is much literature on the characteristics associated with social intelligence. Zaccaro et al. found social intelligence and perceptiveness to be integral to effective leadership; that is, leaders are “social experts.”emotional intelligence, too, plays a role in leadership. Another study found that emotional intelligence enables leaders to better understand their followers, thereby enhancing their ability to influence them.

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